Sunday, May 15, 2011

Just Stopping By...

Well, we had a weekend of weekends here!  It was dress rehearsals and recitals this week.  Can I tell you the kids absolutely loved the recital.  They have that glow of satisfaction that comes from working hard all year and doing well whenit counts.  The requests are now for more and more hip hop!  Oh boy, for next year's schedule!

I wanted to stop by and mention that the Schoolhouse online Expo starts tomorrow.  I'm glad many of you have got your tickets in hand.  So it's online, you have your tickets in your In-box?  Anyway, don't forget to stop by the Schoolhouse Expo's website.  Did you see all of the vendors?!  My curriculum budget is burning a hole in my proverbial pocket!  There are lots of sales and deals to be had, be sure to stop by.  Oh!  And since you have your tickets, don't forget to check out the door prize tab.  (You can find it here:  I have been eyeing several items with great anticipation!  IEW is giving away their Teacher and Student writing intensive program, Math-U-See is giving away one full level (love it!), and Bright Ideas is offering their Wonder Maps software.  Eeek!  There are so many other items there that have me in a tither!  I feel like I'm eight years old, hopping out of my seat in class, yelling "Pick me, pick me!"

One last thing and then it's off to workout tonight (trying to make sure my shape is one that will actually fit in my shorts this summer).  There is going to be three scavenger hunts in the vendor hall starting tomorrow -- 1 will be specially focused on the college "stuff."  Have a terrific night.  We've got a field trip and then I will hope to "see" you tomorrow at the Expo!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Flash in the Pan!

May is just one of those months!  April begins the rush and by the time May hits we have full momentum!  I have had a trip out of town, my husband had surgery, and now the kids are in the final stretch leading up to dance rehearsals.  Add to that the garden prep for growing, planning the addition of chickens to our ever growing pet family, laundry, dishes, and everyday housework... Oh, and homeschooling too!  Whew!  I need a break!

I wanted to remind you friends of two things -- taking time out by yourself is not for yourself.  If you do not keep yourself in tip top shape (or as close to it as you can), then you cannot care for those who depend on you.  Also, you must feed your spirit and mind!

You are very valuable to the people around you.  You are extremely valuable to the One Who has made you.  Take a moment to rest.  Be assured, you are worth it!

On that note, I'm looking forward to two homeschooling conventions next week to re-charge.  The INCH conference will be in Lansing next weekend -- praise the Lord!  Two nights away to spend thinking, planning and wondering about the guys I'm escaping!  Also at the beginning of the week is the Homeschool Expo's Homeschooling with Heart Conference.  I tried to warn you, but the live tickets are completely sold out.  Don't despair though, there are Expo to Go tickets still available.  You get the MP3's and as much time as you need to work through the conferences.  One last thing, there is a terrific tab on the Schoolhouse Expo site labeled "Vendors".  Maybe on your "break" you could stop on by.  There are so many terrific sponsors and products!  I've gotten many great ideas for this summer's school (shh... don't tell the kids) from them!  Check out the link on the side of my blog.  I'll "see" you there!