Wednesday, February 23, 2011

There's Order in This?!

I answered the phone, the dogs started barking (at someone turning into the neighbor's driveway) which scared our toddler, who then started crying, prompting our oldest to holler at the dogs to stop barking.  Ah, the tranquility of home -- HA!  I am always amazed that in the midst of what can seem to be total upheaval, there in the midst, if we look hard enough, we can see God working out His mighty plan in each of us.

If I took a glance I might be quick to think that there was simply mayhem in my home last night.  But when I looked again I saw many things at once.  A gal called to help me arrange a few details for today, what kindness.  The dogs were fulfilling their roles as protectors of our home, doing their very doggy best to keep us safe.  Our toddler wanted comfort in his momma's arms.  We all need a soft place to land.  Lastly our oldest, he was defending the quiet serenity of our home (ha, ha) and his youngest brother against those unsettling elements.  How nice that he wasn't faulting his little brother for the racket and instead seeking to comfort him.  Order amidst chaos at a second glance.

I had a jaunt through the Bible the other day I wanted to share.  It seems so very little and maybe it won't be a huge eye-opener to you, but I was blown away.  We're in a Bible study that recently covered the book of Hosea.  I came across Hosea 2:9, "Therefore I will take back My grain at harvest time and My new wine in its season. I will also take away My wool and My flax given to cover her nakedness."  I wrote my answer on my study worksheet and felt the whisper, "What are the harvest seasons in Israel?"  My curiosity piqued, I turned to Google.  I found out flax is harvested first(Feb/Mar), then barley(Mar to Mid-May), followed by wheat(May to Mid-Jul) and lastly grapes(Jul to Oct).  Also, wool shearing months in Israel are May and June.  What's the big deal to all the dates?  Do you see the order?  The Israelites who were in the both the height of moral depravity and prosperity were going to experience an on-going year of lack -- one failed crop after another. 

If I was an Israelite at the time, I wonder what that progression of lack would have looked and felt like?  Would I have seen God's hand?  Most likely not.  I would have felt the chaos of, "What is happening?!"  Okay, wait, no I did not write this to be a big bummer.  You see, I saw in this execution of judgement God's perfect order to the day and seasons, months and years.  If I can remember to change perspective and remember that He is God.  If I can remember that my attitude, perspective, state-of-mind can impact the day, then maybe the phone ringing, dogs barking, toddler crying, son yelling will not seem all that chaotic.  Maybe I'll take a moment, breathe deeply, and re-evaluate the order that is just below first glance.

Lord, help us all to see the order You place in our days.  Help us to see from Your perspective that not all things are as they first appear.  Give us the courage to look again, and respond from the second  (or third) glance.

Quick note to my homeschooling friends:  What I shared above is one of those quick anecdotes that God deposits to help spur me on.  However, this is also the time of year where I start to sweat.  Not that sweet "glisten" we all joked about in school, but the oh-so-gross dripping, running sweat.  Have I reached my goals?  Do my kids know what they are supposed to know?  How do I know what I'm doing is enough?!  AH!!!  Deep breath.  Remember God.  Remember His encouragement.  Zan Tyler, in her book 7 Tools For Cultivating Your Child's Potential, says, "When the home is functioning optimally the schooling occurs much more naturally." That's right.  I'm raising children to fulfill God's call on their lives, to serve and worship Him in whatever task He has for them.  That could be rocket design, veterinary work, building maintenance or mud puddle exploration (a.k.a. frog hunting).  I want to encourage you, if you are having those mild (or not so mild) periods of February doldrums or even worse, panic attacks as to whether you've hit the academic mark this year, head over to the Schoolhouse Expo website and register for this May's conference.  Zan Tyler spoke this last fall giving me the encouragement I needed.  There will be many fanstastic speakers at the Schoolhouse Expo in May providing great insight and many opportunities to "breath deeply." 

I found out this week that there are only about 300 spots left.  If you want to attend, best hop out there right quick and secure your spot.  Here's a link to speed you along:   Oh, if you don't think you can make the Expo live, take a look over here: You can order your
Expo-to-Go mp3's now and get oodles of great goodies free!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Schoolhouse Expo Teen Track

I am one of those folks that believes we should equip our children, through education and opportunities, to take over the world when they become grown.  Now, I don't mean take over the world like a dictator.  What I do mean, is that our children can greatly begin to change the world around them at this age, now, as teens, tweens and any other age they hit before they are labeled "adult."

Here is a great article from Gena Suarez, publisher of The Old Schoolhouse magazine.  It's a great article about providing entrepreneurial opportunities for your almost adult children.  There's another opportunity to educate through incredible speakers with the Schoolhouse Expo's Teen Track.  Remember, homeschooling is often a fast track opportunity for children of any age to experience real life situations with the safety of parental oversight and encouragement.  With a range of experiences available, who needs to wait for a college program that simulates a business, when you can start now? 

What about school you ask?  Math? Writing? Economics? Government? Socialization?  You need to hit those basics!  Really?  Have you ever tried to develop, market and sell a product?  It includes all of those great "subjects" without the heavy handed textbook that weighs down the eyelids.  What a great opportunity to challenge your child!  Did I mention, they will also have classes on earning college credit while in high school, writing timed essays, self-motivation, etc.  You and your students do not want to miss this Schoolhouse Expo Teen Track!

Check out Gena Suarez's article here  Oh and remember, if you are unable to attend the live broadcast of the Teen Track, the MP3's are given as part of your admission ticket.  Might want to get that ticket soon, the early bird price of $19.50 is good only a bit longer (and there are only about 1200 tickets left -- yikes!).